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For Job Candidates

We take our responsibility for finding the most qualified applicants to meet our clients' staffing needs very seriously.  We have a detailed and thorough application process which allows us the opportunity to match your knowledge, skills and abilities with open job assignments as we receive them from our clients.

The Process

The process starts by sending us a resume.

  • Please send a current resume, in either .doc or .pdf format saved as "your name"   (for example John Doe), along with three professional references, including e-mail addresses, to us using this form or by sending an e-mail message to Be sure your resume lists dates of employment along with current and complete contact information and education.
  • We would also like a brief cover letter stating your career goals, salary requirements, acceptable commute distance, etc. If your qualifications match our clients' needs, we will contact you to set up an appointment. We will also schedule specific on-line skill test for you to take. Please note that due to the large volume of resumes received each day we may only contact you if we currently have a position that matches your qualifications.

 Reasons Your Job Applications Are Not Successful

Consider some of the following as reasons your applications might be rejected so that you can take steps to avoid the possibility in the future:

  • Not following directions exactly. Job applications are not the place to get creative! Often a recruiter will write application directions with the very purpose of seeing which applicants can follow them to the letter. Be sure to read the instructions very carefully and tailor your response — including your resume and cover letter — specifically to the job for which you are applying. Even a small error could put you out of the running.
  • Leaving fields blank on the application.Human resources and corporate attorneys spend a lot of time carefully crafting employment applications, so they have a reason for asking for each piece of information. The less information you provide, the less information the hiring manager has about you as compared to the other applicants. It could also be seen as a lack of attention to detail.
  • An unprofessional email address. It may sound trite, but when a recruiter has to type in “,” they are going to make assumptions about you and your character. It’s easy to create a new, more professional email address for your job search — just don’t forget to check it for replies.
  • Ignoring large gaps in work history. You might have a gap in your work history for any number of legitimate reasons, but not addressing it can send up red flags for a recruiter. Instead of just hoping they won’t notice, add a line explaining the gap as succinctly as possible like, “Left position in good standing to care for elderly parents for a year.”
  • Spelling and grammatical errors. In this day of computers and spell check, there’s no excuse for spelling errors in a job application, and leaving them in shows a lack of attention to detail. Be especially sure to check job-specific words. If you’re filling in an online form, you might consider composing your answers in a word processing document, checking them, and then cutting and pasting them into the form.
  • Writing “See attached” on an application. In many cases, recruiters have many, many applications for the same job to read through, and use the application itself for their initial screening. They may not ever read your attached information. So put all information on the application itself.
  • Not submitting a requested cover letter. This shows you are unwilling to follow directions.
  • Not putting your name on your resume. If you submit your resume electronically and have named it “resume 2 revised” instead of Jane Doe, you are asking the hiring manager to rename it for you.  Chances are, they will pass it by.

The bottom line: be absolutely certain that you are following the instructions and paying attention to the details when submitting your job application to avoid common errors.  

Interview Tips

The key to a good interview is enthusiasm and knowledge. Preparation is essential and is the first step toward a successful outcome. Follow these suggestions:

  • Learn as much as you can about the firm. Prepare questions to ask the hiring manager, which will show that you've done your homework. Check out their website.
  • Organize in advance. Know the exact location of the interview, name of person to ask for, and traveling time to arrive there promptly. Have your attire and portfolio ready the night before. Bring a hard copy of your resume with you but without contact information on it.
  • Look professional. Wear business attire and be conservative in your use of fragrance, cosmetics and jewelry.
  • Have informative answers. Interviewers look to have three primary concerns addressed during the interview:
    • 1. Do you have the professional skills to do the job?
    • 2. Will you fill the job requirements?
    • 3. Do you want the job?

Click here to download interview tips.

Interviewing Do's

  • Shake hands with a firm grip.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Be attentive.
  • Show enthusiasm.
  • Maintain positive body language. Don't send negative messages through poor eye contact, hurried nodding or crossing your arms. Sit up straight.  Smile.
  • Listen carefully to how the interviewer describes the position and its duties as well as the firm's management style.
  • Present a professional appearance.
  • Remain poised and positive. Even if you sense the interview for the position is not going well, there could be other opportunities that would be a better fit for you.

Interviewing Don'ts

  • Don't be late! Arrive 5 minutes early – but no more.
  • Don't provide just "yes" or "no" answers. Offer more information whenever possible.
  • Don't pretend to know something when you don't. Let the interviewer know if you need clarification or you don't understand a question.
  • Don't rely on your application or resume to show your strengths.
  • Don't speak negatively about former employers or bosses.
  • Don’t speak negatively about ANYTHING!
  • Stay on topic and don't discuss controversial issues such as politics, sex or religion, or your personal life.
  • DO NOT SAY YOU WOULD BE THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS POSITION BECAUSE YOU NEED THE JOB! Offer more substantial reasons in terms of what you can bring to the position that will be of benefit to the company.

Be prepared to answer these questions:

  • Tell me about yourself. Use two to three sentences to describe your professional achievements, qualifications and career goals. Don’t talk about your divorce, your current love life, the loss of a loved one.
  • Tell me about your career. Explain what's made you effective in your work, your range of talents and why you want the job.
  • What are your strengths?  Talk about projects you've handled that show your ability to do a job.
  • What are your weaknesses? Be honest — address a skill that you're developing but would like to improve. However, do no overstate any lack of knowledge. Nor should you proclaim that you have no weaknesses.
  • What interests you about our company?  Discuss why you would like to work there and how your qualifications match the position. State your interest in taking on new challenges and assignments.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years? Discuss your long-term career goals, such as growth in responsibility or management positions.
  • Why did you leave your last job? Be brief and to the point using the most positive language possible.


Resume Do's

  • Remember the purpose of the resume is to get the interview, not the job.
  • Be accurate and truthful.
  • List your present or most recent job, first, and then work backwards. State the complete name of the company you work(ed) for, what they do and the month and year of your employment. Then list the position you held and your accomplishments.
  • Use numbers, statistics and percentages to get attention.
  • Tailor your resume for each employer.
  • Use key words that relate to the job description.
  • Use bulleted statements, whenever possible. Bullet points make it easier to scan your resume.
  • Include achievements instead of responsibilities.
  • Use fonts between 10 and 12 points only.
  • Avoid using the pronoun “I” to begin every sentence. Use action words instead.
  • Keep it to a two page maximum.
  • Include contact details (name, address, etc.) on each page.
  • Use grammar and spell check.
  • Proofread and ask others to proofread as well.

Resume Don'ts

  • Don't misrepresent your work or education.
  • Do not use design details like color, fancy fonts, borders or images.
  • Don't include irrelevant work experience.
  • Don't give reasons for termination or leaving a job on your resume.
  • Don't include irrelevant personal information.
  • Don't show salary requirements on your resume.
  • DON'T name your resume anything other than your name!

Resume Templates can be found at: